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Whats New, Whats Hot,  Whats Trending..

Its all about keeping your finger on the pulse when it comes to flooring.  With ever changing new designs & concepts constantly being introduce, You need a passion in what you do to keep ahead...& GUESS WHAT... You've come to the best team by using us!


Having forged some amazing relationships with interior designers

& architects, we collaborate & meet throughout the year discussing new trends and products, ensuring we keep ahead of the pack.


When it comes to flooring, we have access & accounts to quite literally 1000's of manufacturers & bespoke designers (yes we're bragging about this, but why wouldn't we right?)...This should give you ''peace of mind'' that we can provide the perfect option for your project.


Need a sample? not a problem.  Get in touch, Let us know what you need and we can arrange samples of the product & have these sent out to you straight away... Hows that for service!


SO..are you seeking to impress your client?  something to help tip the balance in your favour to win that contract. Feel free to pick our brains on whats hot, whats eye catching, & whats new out.











We Are


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